DIYReesha ChibbaComment

Kiwi, Ginger And Beetroot Juice

DIYReesha ChibbaComment
Kiwi, Ginger And Beetroot Juice

You know that phrase ‘eat more plants’?

My mother chooses to ignore it. I on the other hand love it and I’m 100% certain that juicing the right kind of fruit and vegetables is beneficial to your skin, mental health and overall immunity.

This drink has a base concoction of celery, carrot and cucumber juice. I’ve been adding other ingredients to my glass since the start of lockdown and not only have I felt happier, my skin and tiny aches and pains in my body have all improved. I also suffer with psoriasis and I find that when I don’t have enough fiber in my diet, it flares.

This glass has 5 fruit and vegetables. It is the perfect snack and it’s become a habit of mine to drink at least two of these variations a week.

Did you know: Beetroot, Kiwi, Carrot, Celery, Ginger, Cucumber and turmeric are all beneficial to the immune system. Kiwi is very high in vitamin c but it’s a surprisingly low calorie fruit, making it a top choice snack if you’re on a low calorie diet. Beetroot juice apparently improves athletic performance. It lowers blood pressure, improves digestion and lowers the risk of diabetes.


1/2 bunch of celery

2 carrots

1/2 cucumber

ginger (whatever amount you prefer but the more the better)

1 kiwi, don’t remove the skin (I eat this)

2 raw beetroot


  1. Blend or juice all of the above until it’s very fine.

  2. Add 1/2 tsp of turmeric to your glass, pinch your nose and down it as fast as you can.